Counselling skills for HR teams

Sterling counsel

Your most valuable people may be in crisis, and your business relies on your HR managers being able to help with effective counselling. These are the discussions that even trained HR managers might dread yet they cannot be shirked. Nor is it enough to think the discussion has been successful if at its conclusion no clear path to resolving the issue has been agreed; a fudge helps neither the business nor the individual.

Counselling is a specialist profession but, building on existing HR training and skills, a grasp of its basic techniques will suffice to handle most common workplace problems. This course supplies a structured model of these techniques to systematise and supplement both empathetic instincts and basic HR training. We coach the HR manager to apply this knowledge to their real-life staff problems in mock-interviews with professional actors improvising in the other roles. Our practical training sessions make stern demands of the HR manager’s counselling mettle, providing not only the tools but the stress-tested confidence to deal with the real thing.

Course leader

Eva Najberg

Eva Najberg

What we do

Presentation skills

Half your business is presentation. Whether facing clients, customers, colleagues or project partners, if you...more

Managing relationships

Co-operation is the key to both business innovation and day-to-day working. Yet time and again personal friction gets in...more

Stress management

When the chief executive of Lloyds Banking Group, António Horta-Osório, took a leave of absence in 2011 to recover from the...more

Team building and managing

Teams don’t build themselves. In business we often see dysfunctional teams thrown together or cloned in the boss’s...more

Counselling skills for HR teams

Your most valuable people may be in crisis, and your business relies on your HR managers being able to help with effective...more

Developing resilience

Whether in good times or bad, businesses struggle with adversity in all sorts of shapes, from global competition to...more

Assertiveness training

Which bit of ‘no’ don’t your people or clients understand? Or ‘yes’, for that matter? Stating your position and sticking to...more

Executive coaching

It took a 12-year parting of the ways between Apple and co-founder Steve Jobs for the former to dice with terminal decline and the...more



Winning Hearts and Minds

Part 1
11th & 12th December 2024

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