Welcome to Najberg Milne

We know why you’re here. You need your people to be the best. But there’s a critical skills gap. As communicators they could be more compelling. Whether facing out or in, presenting to clients, building relationships or managing teams, they could deliver key messages better. But they need expert help.

So you are here because you have heard on good authority that nobody coaches compelling business communication better – not even as well!

What we do

Presentation skills

Half your business is presentation. Whether facing clients, customers, colleagues or project partners, if you...more

Managing relationships

Co-operation is the key to both business innovation and day-to-day working. Yet time and again personal friction gets in...more

Stress management

When the chief executive of Lloyds Banking Group, António Horta-Osório, took a leave of absence in 2011 to recover from the...more

Team building and managing

Teams don’t build themselves. In business we often see dysfunctional teams thrown together or cloned in the boss’s...more

Counselling skills for HR teams

Your most valuable people may be in crisis, and your business relies on your HR managers being able to help with effective...more

Developing resilience

Whether in good times or bad, businesses struggle with adversity in all sorts of shapes, from global competition to...more

Assertiveness training

Which bit of ‘no’ don’t your people or clients understand? Or ‘yes’, for that matter? Stating your position and sticking to...more

Executive coaching

It took a 12-year parting of the ways between Apple and co-founder Steve Jobs for the former to dice with terminal decline and the...more

Case studies


Owned by Lufthansa, Airplus is a financial company with offices all over the world. We started working with Airplus...more

Transforming company culture

In the world of product design, Ideo are pioneers of unmatched prestige. They have the...more

Long-term partnership

For many years we have been regular visitors to Specsavers Holland in The Netherlands, working closely with...more

Giant multinational

At Nestlé’s research facility in Singen in Southern Germany they experiment with recipes and nutritional innovation, to...more


After the Boxing Day 2002 tsunami, we wanted to do more than put our hands in our pockets. Later renamed Practical Action, the...more

Modernising a market leader

Founded in 1956, Spencer Stuart is one of the world’s most respected executive search...more

Modernising an industry

Impressed by the impact of our presentation skills courses on a rival travel management...more

Change management

We had run our “Winning Hearts and Minds” programme for a high profile investment management company for a number of years...more

Multi-module training

To improve the people-managing skills of its publishers, editors and sales directors of the various divisions, the magazine...more

New business worth millions

Since 2006, every manager reaching a certain level of responsibility and authority at the UK’s ...more

Communicating complex issues

For over 20 years, we have worked with Microsoft, Symantec and Hewlett Packard and...more

Media confidence

A regular Sky Sports presenter, giving golf lessons and insights to viewers, the director of Cranfield Golf Academy, Scott...more

Our people include...

Eva Najberg

Eva Najberg

Three factors shaped the direction which took Eva Najberg from her birth in Paris to her life in England as partner in Najberg Milne and expert executive coach...more
David Milne

David Milne

A son of Scotland’s tough, no-nonsense ‘Granite City’ Aberdeen, David Milne was born into post-war austerity but at school revealed a gift for performance...more
Jean Sébastien Pigeau

Jean Sébastien Pigeau

Jean-Sébastien Pigeau has worked in France, the UK, Belgium and Switzerland as a corporate trainer since 2006. Coaching presentation skills, storytelling,...more
François Maurin

François Maurin

François Maurin has a breadth of experience that makes him a first-class course-leader and performance coach in the business world....more



Winning Hearts and Minds

Part 1
11th & 12th December 2024

Part 1
24th & 25th February 2025

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Captiver et Convaincre
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Upcoming Open Courses – Brussels
Captiver et Convaincre
(delivered in French)

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